I thought it might be useful to compile a list of cycle route schemes proposed or underway in and around Stratford-upon-Avon. We've actually got a reasonably good core of a cycling network in the town, but there's plenty that can be improved and added over time to make Active Transport more appealing and popular. Some of these schemes are funded and underway, whist others are initial proposals awaitinf funding and detailed design & implementation.
Birmingham Road
Scheme underway. The section from Windsor Street to Arden Street was completed over winter 2021/22, although this just refreshed an existing off road cycle path alongside the Birmingham Road. Funded by Warwickshire County Council / National Productivity Investment Fund.
Alcester Road
Scheme at the end of the design phase. A personal contact with the council in March 2022 said they were consulting with developers along the route to ensure that it matched up with new infrastructure being built (which might be a bit late as the road entrance to the Shottery Views housing estate has already been built without any obvious off road cycle provision). No "boots on the ground" seen yet. Funded by Getting Building Fund / Warwickshire County Council.
Tiddington Road
The council walking and cycling consultation highlighted this road as very much desired by local residents for an off road cycle route, and the Warwickshire County Council highways planners are aware of this. No active project underway at the moment though.
Old Tramway to Shipston
This route, using the old tramway alignment alongside the Shipston Road is being promoted by a private group but with interest and some buy-in from the local councils. I asked if they were expecting volunteer help to build the route (like many canal and heritage railway projects do) but they said no, they're trying to make the case and do the initial planning so that it is a "shovel ready" project if funding becomes available.
Avon and Arrow Greenway Project (AAGP)
This is a scheme being pushed by several councils to the west of Stratford to reuse old railway lines as the core of a new "greenway" shared walking/cycling route linking various towns and villages together. They have proposed a branch along the old Stratford & Midland Junction Railway line through Welford and behind Luddington that would meet the existing shared use path on the line at Stratford Racecourse entrance. This would give good longer distance walking and cycling connections to the west of the town.